Monday, April 29, 2013

Energy Stocks - Sunoco Logistics Partners L.P. (SXL)

1. Sunoco Logistics Partners L.P. (SXL)

Heres a link to the yearly chart for Sunoco Logistics Partners L.P. (SXL).

        Based on this stock chart, it is safe to say that the Sunoco gas company has been doing much better, than it had done in 2012. During the month of April, 2012 Sunoco stock cost an average of $40.00. Now, a single stock for Sunoco cost $61.05. That is a huge improvement. Better yet, it isn't even summer yet. When the summer heat comes in, and people begin travel more, gasoline will be in higher demand. That means, the stock is bound to increase in price yet again. Another positive aspect about Sunoco gasoline, is that it is considered the official fuel of NASCAR race cars. This will surely aid in the demand for Sunoco gasoline. As the summer nears, more race car events will occur surely improving the stock sales as well. One of the very reasons, purchasing Sunoco gasoline, and its stock is suggested by its customers, deals with  the companies honesty. It has signed Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES). This treaty, ensures that the company details its environmental factors both positive and negative to the public at all times. Meaning, that no information is to be hidden, everything must be expressed to society. By conditions such as these, the company should gain fame, for its concern about society, and the environment around it.

- Pietro Dolcimasclo

Energy Stocks - BP Oil

BP Oil

Back in 2010 (Due to the oil spill) BP's stocks have drastically dropped until recent years when it has picked up again, and is now a bit more stable. Since summer is around the corner, and the economy is picking up again, people are more inclined to go get gas to go visit places and have road trips. To get to the better side of the public, BP has donated money to educational and volunteering programs. BP Is attempting to clean up their act, however, since the oil spill is still affecting the wildlife around them, it's still fresh in people's minds and buying it would be a bit risky because it could go back down again if there's a continuous media focus on it. It has dwindled down but there are still documentaries and a few articles being written on it. 
- Rasheeda

Energy Stocks - Chevron Stock (CVN)

Chevron Stock (CVN)

Over the last year, Chevron stock has seen a decreasing trend. If people will drive more often (since the overall market is improving) the stock price of all oil companies will likely increase, especially during the summer months. In the news we have : ( slipping oil prices cut into oil company profits and ( Accident at oil refinery owned by Chevron will probably create negative publicity, which in turn will result in reduced stock prices.

I project that the stock will not be doing well anytime soon. Oil stock overall isn't doing too well, oil prices are dropping, and the individual issues within those companies will shred their stock value (Chevron included.) Purchasing this stock would have caused our investment to crash. The value of these stocks have been dropping.

Paul Neyman

Energy Stocks - Exxon Mobil Corporation

Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) at the moment is doing fairly well. They are currently at a .53% which is $ 47 increase. Their Open price is $88.26 and current price is $88.47. In the past year, they have been having ups and downs but it's really steady. The weather is getting hotter so the price of the gas will go up. Exxon has begun to work on Albert oil sands project. This will enable long-term production to meet future energy demand. This will increase the stock. My projection of the stock is that it will continue go up for a while because it is coming from a drop from a week ago. Exxon mobile is in our interest because it is a blue chip stock.

Harry Khachatryan

Energy Stocks - EQT

Right now, the EQT stock appears to be doing very well, as it's getting near its maximum stock price for the year ($74.41-$76.65; as of 11:32AM it is valued at $76.60.) This is no doubt due to the market trend of higher demand for gas as the masses fuel up to go places for the summer. In addition, there aren't any major problems related to the company in the news - on the contrary, the news is full of talk about how EQT is doing so well, concerning their gas-centric strategy they implemented a while ago. I can only see it continue to get better based on the aforementioned elements. Sadly, it doesn't really matter to me since our team won't be buying it because it doesn't fit our aggressive style of stock buying. Even so, stock holders may want to get some of EQT's stock before it gets too hot.

- Luigi

Friday, April 5, 2013

Real Research Tip

100 Shares of Facebook Stock


Historical Analysis

Based on the past successes of Facebook, it is most likely a smart choice to invest in Facebook stock. April 12th, 2013 is the release date for this new Operating system that, will improve the Facebook experience. With previous success, Facebook is a popular app, that is used by a majority of people. It contains several features that are favored by all age groups. Many Facebook users, are using the app on several operating systems; (computers, smart phones, and iPads).

Future Expectations

Since previous history on Facebook's success, it is safe to assume that previous Facebook users would download the new feature to the app  on April 12th, thus making similar users download the app. This will increase Facebook Home's popularity.  And eventually more and more people would become attracted to the new app, because of its modern features making it compete better with its complementary apps, such as twitter.

By: Pietro Dolcimascolo (Group Reporter)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

(Blog 3) Automotive - Fiat


Fiat is an italian based automobile company. They hold shares in Ferrari, purchased Maserati, and are the largest shareholders of Chrysler, Jeep, and Dodge. Fiat has been revitalized through mass media in the US. Right now, their stock has gone down 0.34%. However, they're doing a lot better than they had years ago. Over a year span, their stock has been actually up. Fiat is gaining, even though it's not much, but I feel as if Fiat has a lot of potential, and will probably do a lot better in the long run. -Rasheeda